The private tour program is purposely designed for young adults and family who are nature lovers to explore nature, catching the sunrise and sunset in a sea of clouds (sea mist) at Khao Kho and Phu Tub Berk.
Khaoyai and Khaokho are popular destination in Thailand. Both place are mountainous view and suitable for family and couple to travel and relax during the vacation. There are a lot of activities to do e.g. watch sunrise and sunset at Khaokho, enjoy spectacular sea of clouds views (July - September), Strawberry pick up (December - January) and enjoy friendly attractions for kids at Khaoyai. Moreover, the weather very nice, especially if you travel during the winter (Nov-Jan) but during July to September not that bad because Khaoyai and Khaokho will be fresh clean air and lush green jungle.